May Aung » Biography


Assistant Principal May Aung has over 25 years of experience as an educator. Previously she has served as an Intervention Coordinator and Math Coach at the elementary level on various campuses. 

As an Intervention Coordinator, she collaborated with all stakeholders to develop a Tier 2 intervention program to institute and provide targeted academic support for students who needed small group individualized support.

As a Math Coach, she has facilitated grade level backwards planning meetings to support Professional Learning Communities in unwrapping state standards, identifying power standards, data analysis, and creation of common formative assessments and S.M.A.R.T. goals.

In her capacity as a classroom teacher, she served as a WASC accreditation member, Department Chair, and Equitable Grading and Instruction pioneer at MaCES to ensure all students had access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum. 

In her current role as Assistant Principal, she conducts formal evaluations and informal classroom observations. These observations provide teachers with actionable feedback around the district’s Teaching and Learning Framework focus elements.