Our School1 » 23- 24 School Parent Compact for Student Achievement

23- 24 School Parent Compact for Student Achievement

(Distributed to parents via students on 11/8/23)


School Parent Compact: A Shared Commitment to Success


We are excited to introduce the School-Parent Compact, a collaborative agreement designed to strengthen the partnership between parents, educators, and students in pursuit of academic excellence. This compact outlines the shared responsibilities and commitments that contribute to the success of every student at MaCES.


Our Commitment to Excellence: At MaCES, we are dedicated to providing a high-quality education that empowers every student to reach their full potential. The School-Parent Compact embodies our collective commitment to fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.


Key Components of the Compact:

  1. Shared Responsibility for Student Success: Parents, teachers, and students share the responsibility for academic achievement. By working together, we can create an environment where students thrive both academically and socially.

  2. Open Communication: Effective communication is crucial for student success. We encourage ongoing dialogue between parents and teachers to discuss academic progress, address concerns, and celebrate achievements.

  3. Supporting Learning at Home: The compact acknowledges the importance of parental involvement in a child's education. We provide resources and strategies to support learning at home, fostering a strong foundation for academic success.

  4. Creating a Positive School Climate: Our school is committed to maintaining a positive and inclusive atmosphere where every student feels safe, respected, and motivated to learn. This includes promoting a culture of respect and zero tolerance for bullying.

Your Role in the Compact: As parents, your involvement is integral to the success of the School-Parent Compact. By actively participating in your child's education, attending school events, and maintaining open communication with teachers, you contribute to the positive and supportive atmosphere we aim to create.


A Collective Vision for Success: The School-Parent Compact is more than a document; it represents a shared vision for the success of every student at MaCES. Together, we can create an environment where learning flourishes, and students are prepared for a bright future.